




报告人简介:李建中,哈尔滨工业大学教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者,中国计算机学会“王选奖”获得者, 国家973计划项目首席科学家, 现任中国计算机学会常务理事和会士、物联网专业委员会主任、中国自动化学会大数据专业委员会副主任、acm sigmod china主席。他多年致力于海量数据计算的理论与算法、无线传感网等方面研究,主持过多项国家科技部和国家基金委的重大和重点项目,解决了诸多科学技术问题,在国内外发表学术论文300余篇,其中国际顶级学术刊物和顶级学术会议论文110余篇,被他引近2万次,h-因子50,多篇论文获vldb等国际顶级和重要会议最佳论文奖,是第一位在vldb等国际顶级学术会议发表论文的中国大陆学者。他还主持研制了我国自主研制生产的djs-100系列计算机的操作系统、我国第一个机群计算机系统和机群并行数据库系统,在很多领域得到应用,获国家科技进步二等奖1项、省部级科技进步一等奖和自然科学一等奖3项,其他奖励10余项。他还30余次担任国际顶级和重要学术会议指导委员会主席、大会主席、程序委员会等职务。





the sustainability and cyclicity of user-generated content

报告人简介:祝建华,香港城市大学计算社会科学讲座教授,ica fellow。讲授传播学与新媒体理论、社会科学研究方法、社会网分析等课程,研究传统媒体、社交媒体、移动媒体的使用与效果,成果分别发表于传播学、经济学、政治学等ssci期刊和计算机、物理、医学信息等sci期刊。曾兼任任国际中华传播学会会长、中国计算传播学会创始会长、教育部长江学者讲座教授等职,获得ica、ajemc、aapor、wapor等国际学会的7项学术奖和中国计算机学会2017年大数据与计算智能竞赛的优秀导师奖。

摘要:collaborative work and social computing (cwsc) rely on the voluntary contributions from grassroots users, also known as user-generated content (ugc). cwsc developers tend to take the existence, availability, or sustainability of ugc for granted. the assumption is fueled by industry reports of massive user traffic. previous empirical studies reinforce the optimism. however, these results suffer from at least two problems: focusing on short-term or isolated from competitions. to obtain a more accurate and realistic knowledge of ugc, we need to examine not only loyal users, but also dropouts, switchers (who leave for alternative platforms), reactivated sleepers, and the transitions among them. i’ll illustrate the dynamic processes of ugc with several case studies of social media in china and elsewhere.




25 years of cscwd: review and perspectives

报告人简介:dr. weiming shen is a principal research officer at national research council canada. he is a fellow of canadian academy of engineering, fellow of engineering institute of canada (eic), fellow of ieee, and professional engineer of ontario (peo). he is an internationally-recognized expert on agent-based collaborative technologies and applications. he has published several books and over 450 papers in scientific journals and international conferences in the related areas. his work has been cited over 13,000 times with an h-index of 52. he served as a member of the steering committee for the ieee transactions on affective computing; editor-in-chief of the iet collaborative intelligent manufacturing; and an associate editor or editorial board member of over ten international journals (including ieee transactions on automation science and engineering; ieee transaction on smc: systems; ieee smc magazine; advanced engineering informatics; computational intelligence; intelligent buildings international; service computing and applications), and as guest editor for several other international journals.

摘要:industries and societies require new technologies to address increasingly complex design issues for products, structures, buildings, systems, processes, and services while meeting the high expectation of customers. computer supported collaborative work in design (cscwd) emerged in response to this requirement. with the rapid advancement of internet and web based technologies, cscwd has been a very active r&d area in the past two and half decades. recent developments of cloud/fog/edge computing, internet of things, big data, blockchains, and digital twin technologies have brought new opportunities for cscwd. this talk will presents a brief review of the 25-year history of cscwd and discusses future research opportunities and challenges.




from discovery to design: creating ai technologies to support massive-scale online collaboration

报告人简介:haiyi zhu is an assistant professor at the university of minnesota, twin cities. she will join human-computer interaction institute at carnegie mellon university as an assistant professor starting from september 2019. she holds a b.s in computer science from tsinghua university and an m.s. and a ph.d. in human-computer interaction from carnegie mellon university. she has received an nsf crii award as well as several paper awards in venues such as chi, cscw, and human factors, and an allen newell award for research excellence. she has also taken on major service roles in the community, serving as the secretary/treasurer of hcic, program committee members for chi and cscw, and the acting editor for an hci journal special issue on unifying ai and hci.

摘要:the development of internet technologies creates virtual spaces where people all over the world can interact around a shared purpose. internet-based platforms, such as wikipedia, facebook, airbnb, and uber, have transformed the way people connect, communicate, collaborate, work, and live. these platforms also enable collaboration and coordination at unprecedented scales. the english wikipedia alone, as of july 2017, has over 5 million encyclopedia articles, 2.9 million active editors, 38,628 new editors registering on the site in an average month, and about 160,000 new edits every day. in my research, i conduct two types of research activities: 1) “discovery” – i integrate different research methods, including machine learning, log data analysis, and controlled experiments, to produce a clear description and causal understanding of how activities are managed in large online platforms. 2) “design” – i combine an in-depth empirical understanding with design methods to create innovative ai technologies to support massive-scale collaboration on these platforms and evaluate their effectiveness and impacts in the real world. in this talk, i will illustrate my approaches to research, discuss my shift from discovery to design, and discuss my on-going work and future directions.





报告人简介:李国良,清华大学计算机系教授,软件所所长。主要研究方向为数据库、大数据挖掘与分析、群智计算。在数据库、数据挖掘、信息检索领域的顶级会议和期刊上发表论文100余篇,他引6300余次,入选爱思唯尔2014-2018年中国高被引学者榜单。主持国家优秀青年基金、青年973、自然基金重点等项目。获得了vldb early career research contribution award(vldb杰出青年贡献奖,亚洲唯一一位)、ieee tcde early career award(ieee 数据工程领域杰出新人奖,亚洲唯一一位)、青年长江学者、国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、计算机学会青年科学家奖等奖项。担任vldb journal、ieee tkde、ieee data engineering bulletin、acm transactions on data science、acm data and information quality (jdiq)等期刊编委,多次担任sigmod、vldb、kdd、icde、www、ijcai、aaai等会议的程序委员会委员。获得过a类会议kdd18、icd18最佳论文候选,b类会议cikm’17最佳论文奖、dasfaa’14的最佳论文提名奖、c类会议apweb’14最佳论文奖、edbt’13大数据比赛冠军。获国家科技进步二等奖(2018年,第5完成人),江苏省科技进步一等奖(2018年,第5完成国内人),教育部自然科学奖二等奖(2013年,第四完成人)、计算机学会自然科学奖二等奖(2013年,第一完成人)。






报告人简介:马华东,北京邮电大学教授、网络技术研究院执行院长。2009年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、2011年度教育部长江学者特聘教授、2010年被聘为国家973计划项目“物联网体系结构基础研究”首席科学家。兼任中国计算机学会常务理事、物联网专委会副主任、多媒体专委会副主任,中国人工智能学会常务理事兼副秘书长,acm sigmobile china主席, 以及ieee t-mm、acm t-iot、ieee iot journal和mtap等期刊编委。其长期从事物联网与传感网、多媒体理论与系统的研究工作,承担了包括国家973计划、863计划、国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科�
