杨灿,华南理工大学 云智能服务实验室-凯发备用网址

杨灿 yang can

教授(先上岗)/副教授/博士/研究生导师/a. professor / ph. d

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湖南益阳人, 工学博士/博士后, 研究生导师, 中国民主促进会会员, 华南理工大学计算机科学与工程学院先上岗教授, 云智能服务实验室主任; 1994年、1997年、2002年在华中科技大学获学士、硕士和博士学位,2002 ~ 2004年 华中科技大学计算机科学与技术博士后。2005年受聘为华南理工大学计算机科学与工程学院副教授与硕士研究生导师, 2012年晋升为先上岗教授; 2013-2014年访问学者,2017~2023年兼任新媒体股份(300770)非执行董事和战略发展委员会主席(召集人)。长期从事多媒体,人工智能、云计算、大数据与软件理论研究与技术研发;  主持国家与省市重大、重点、面上科研课题、企事业单位委托研究与应用开发项目共计20余项,累积完成科研经费千万余元。曾获国家广电总局科技创新奖1项, 广东省科学技术奖2项, 省厅级科技进步奖3项; 中国博士后基金1项,gdca优秀论文2篇; 申请国家专利60余项, 授权21项,国际pct专利3项;软件著作权11项,牵头起草国际国内标准7项; 在ieee trans. on information forensics and security, ieee trans. on multimedia, chinese journal of electronics,《计算机学报》,acm mmsys,cvpr等国际国内刊物与会议发表学术论文80余篇。讲授《多媒体通信技术》,《分布式计算原理与应用》,《软件工程》,《网络媒体》等课程。培养研究生100余名,指导广东省优秀硕士论文1篇,指导学生获奖6项。

邮箱:cscyang@scut.edu.cn   微信:banacast  


ieee/acm会员, ccf高级会员, 理事

中国计算机学会ccf 人工智能与模式识别专业委员会 委员

中国计算机学会ccf 计算机应用技术专业委员会 委员

中国计算机学会ccf 多媒体技术专业委员会 委员

广东省计算机学会gdca 大数据专委委员

民进广东省委 科学技术专家委员会委员

审稿人 reviewer:

ieee transactions on multimedia

ieee transactions on big data

ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology

ieee access



 在大规模视频监控系统与广播电视行业三网融合网络视频新媒体技术方面, 提出高性能“banacast网络视频流媒体传输技术”, 解决“以有限网络资源支撑海量并发视频流媒体服务”的技术难题, 该技术经过广东省科技厅组织科技成果鉴定“达到国际领先水平”。banacast客户端软件装机量超过100万台,覆盖教育网2000多家单位用户,访问量累计达2.3亿次pvs,同时该技术在广州市电视台凯发备用网址官网、广东省政府网成功应用,获得良好效益。


1.  2015年获广东省科学技术奖                                                      一等奖  (粤府证:[2015]1128号    项目编号:b05-0-1-02-r08)

2.  2012年获广东省科学技术奖                                                      二等奖  (粤府证:[2012]1207号   项目编号:b07-0-2-05-r01)  

3.  2011年获国家广播电影电视总局科技创新奖                                 二等奖  (获奖编号:no.10a013)

4.  2011年 获广东省优秀硕士学位论文                                            优秀导师奖   (获奖硕士生:刘继忠,导师:杨灿)

5.  2000年获广东邮政科技进步奖                                                 二等奖    (广东省183总体方案研究,183一期工程)  

6.  2021年获广东省计算机学会优秀论文奖                                      一等奖、二等奖各一篇



[1]  2017产学研重大专项之国际合作项目2017-2019, 201605121609361 ,华南理工大学牵头与纽约大学nyu网络实验室合作   新媒体用户行为大数据智能推荐系统研究与应用     杨灿  2017.05~2020 (已结题)
[2]  20170101-20201231国家自然科学基金委重大研究课题之子课题4:清华大学牵头,浙江大学与华南理工大学参与   视频大数据的统一表征、深度分析与综合应用    杨灿   2017.03

1.  面向云环境的软件与数据部署迁移关键技术研发与产业化,  广东省科技计划项目, 重大专项,  2015~2018 (已结题)

2. 大规模网络视频监控热点信息分发系统关键技术研发与产业化,   广东省科技计划项目, 省院重点, 2013 (已结题) 

3. 互联网实时视听支撑平台研发及应用, 广东省科技计划项目 粤港招标项目 重点项目, 2013(已结题) 

4. 新媒体信息处理的关键理论及应用, 华南理工大学  校内项目, 2009(已结题) 

5. 面向互联网的新媒体业务融合平台, 广东省科技计划项目 省部产学研  面上项目, 2009(已结题) 

6. iptv网络数字电视用户终端服务质量, 广州市技术标准编制, 2009 

7. p2p网络新媒体平台(应用软件开发部分), 企事业单位横向项目,   2008

8. 网络电视系统凯发备用网址的技术支持服务,   企事业单位横向发项目,   2007

9. p2p网络电视升级与支撑服务软件开发, 企事业单位横向项目,   2007

10.  流媒体存储与分发新技术, 华工基金,   2007

11.  基于p2p网络电视直播系统应用软件开发,  企事业单位委托技术开发项目,   2006 

12.  基于网格的信息资源整合协同软件开发,  企事业单位委托技术开发项目,   2005

13.  基于multicast的大规模交互式视频点播系统关键性技术研究,中国博士后科学基金,2003


 1. 宽带接入网技术研究,信息产业部,电子发展研究基金, 2002~2003

 2. 广东省183总体建设方案研究与一期工程, 广东省邮政局, 2000~2001 

 3. 桌面视频会议系统, 广东省邮电管理局 ,1997~1998

 4. 三维彩色数字激光扫描系统, 863项目,攀登计划, 1995~1997 

 5. xy-20航迹规划系统, 航天部重大攻关项目,1994~1995 

 6. 三维地形匹配准则研究, 航天基金, 1994~1995 


[1] follow me: personalized iptv channel switching guide, chenguang yu (new york university), hao ding (nyu), houwei cao (new york institute of technology), yong liu (nyu), can yang (south china university of technology), source:  acm multimedia systems 2017, taibei , taiwan, june 20-23 2017  

[2] online cloud transcoding and distribution for crowdsourced live game video streaming, yuanhuan zheng ; di wu ; yihao ke ; can yang ; min chen ; guoqing zhang, source:  ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology [sci 2区] ,  v 27, n 8, p 1777-1789, august 2017

[3] yang can, liu yong; on achieving short channel switching delay and playback lag in ip-based tv systems, ieee transactions on multimedia, v 17, n 7, p 1096-1106, july 1, 2015        [sci 2区] 

[4] lv jianming , chen jianwen, yang can; pacs: parasitic anonymous communication in peer-to-peer streaming network; journal of computational information systems, v 10, n 3, p 1175-1182, 2014[ei]   

[5]lv jianming; lin haibiao; yang can, et al.; identify and trace criminal suspects in the crowd aided by fast trajectories retrieval, lecture notes in computer science, v 8422 lncs, n part 2, p 16-30, 2014, database systems for advanced applications - 19th international conference, dasfaa 2014  [ccf b类会议] 

[6]lin haibiao , lv jianming; yang can, deng miaoyi, et al.; gps trajectory mining: a survey, journal of computational information systems, v 10, n 16, p 6947-6956, august 15, 2014  [ei] 

[7]lv, jianming , yang, can; liang, kaidong; grace: a gradient distance-based peer-to-peer network supporting efficient content-based retrieval, advances in intelligent systems and computing, v 250, p 427-434, 2014 [ei] 

[8]yang, can , li yongyan, chen jinglong,; a new mobile streaming system base-on http live streaming protocol, wicom 2011, 2011, 7th international conference on wireless communications, networking and mobile computing, wicom 2011 [ei] 

[9]yang can, zhuang, xuda, lei, zhiming, a method of geographic information acquirement based on subdivision coloration for a zone, 2010 2nd international symposium on information engineering and electronic commerce, ieec 2010, p 163-166 [ei]   

[10]yang, can, liang, shang-tao, chen, xin-xin, chen, ye-wei, design and implementation of intelligent acquisition and fast processing recording system for iptv platform, 2010 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, icmlc 2010, v 4, p 1656-1660 [ei] 

[11] xin xin chen,can yang,ye wei chen,banacast:a fast adaptive application layer multicast network for p2p live streaming,international conference on information science and engineering 2009,dec 18th to 20th, 2009, track 01:high-performance and parallel computing, p149-153 [ei] 

[12]can yang, yuanqiong chen, yilong shen,the research on a p2p transcoding system based on distributed farming computing architecture, 2009 pacific-asia conference on knowledge engineering and software engineering, kese 2009, 19-20 december, 2009, pp55-58 [ei] 

[13]yang can, chen, zhi-cong, lian bin-xiong, huang hui-ze,design and implementation of a novel roboticized epgsystem of network tv, proceedings of the 2009 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, icmlc2009, 12-15 july, 2009, pp1516-1522 [ei] 

[14]lin yu-heng, yang can, chen x.x.,design and implementation of embedded p2p streaming media system, proceedings of the 2009 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, icmlc2009, 12-15 july, 2009, pp1364-1369  [ei] 

[15]chen ye-wei, yang can, chen x.x.,design and implementation of integrated monitoring system for iptv platform, proceedings of the 2009 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, icmlc2009, 12-15 july, 2009, pp1364-1369   [ei] 

[16]jing tang, can yang, xinxin chen, explore new profiting method for tv based on p2p streaming media technology, services computing, 2006. apscc '06. ieee asia-pacific conference on dec. 2006, pp276 – 279  

[17]can yang, xu chongyang, liu zhenglin, liu weizhong, unequal segmentation algorithm for video in video-on-demand system,chinese journal of electronics, 2002, v 11,(1):99~103    [sci / ei] 

[18]can yang, dehua li, yanwen zhu,a car shape classification based on neural networks with non-adjacent layers connection,ieee international neural networks and signal processing proceedings,1995.12,425-429  

[19]杨灿, 桑波, 大整数乘法运算的实现及优化, 计算机工程与科学, 2013,vol. 35, (3) : 183-190  

[20]杨灿, 符航宇等, 基于flex的网络电视互动平台的设计与实现, 计算机工程与科学, 2011, (11): 189-194  

[21]陈业伟, 杨灿, 陈新新等, 手机短信在iptv后台监视中的应用, 计算机应用与软件, 2010, (7): 213-216 

[22]刘继忠, 杨灿, 网络视频服务接入控制及计费的研究与实现, 计算机工程与设计, 2010.(11):2581- 2584  

[23]杨灿等, banacast:基于三网融合的新媒体内容承载平台, 广播与电视技术, 2010, (5):147-1491  

[24]杨灿,张冲等,基于新型p2p与cdn融合技术的流媒体系统设计. 电视技术, 2009, (12) :71-74  

[25]杨灿,汤圣博,黄辉泽,企业级p2p视频会议系统设计与实现. 计算机技术与发展,2009,(9):186-189  

[26]杨灿,陈新新等, 混合型时移网络电视系统设计与实现.华中科技大学学报,2009,(6):78-81 [ei] 

[27]黄辉泽,雷志明,杨灿, 基于分布式架构的ip电视用户行为分析系统.有线电视技术,2009,(5):87-89  

[28]杨灿,陈新新,唐婧等, 基于p2p流媒体的远程教学模式研究. 计算机教育与发展,2006, (8):113-114 1  

[29]杨灿,卢正鼎等, 可伸缩分布式vod系统的设计与实现. 华中科技大学学报,2005,(1):28-31[ei]    

[30]杨灿,邹雪城,卢正鼎,大规模交互式视频服务系统研究综述. 广播与电视技术,2004,(11):50-51  

[31]杨灿,一种基于移动数据通信的新型vod系统. 电视技术,2004,(10):37-38  

[32]杨灿,卢正鼎,基于排队模型的视频点播系统设计与分析. 电视技术,2004,(5):34-36  

[33]杨灿,卢正鼎,交互式vod视频源非线性智能分段算法. 计算机学报,2003,(11):1532-1538 [ei] 

[34]杨灿,徐重阳,刘政林,vod系统批处理调度策略优化研究. 计算机学报,2002,(11):1263-1268 [ei] 

[35]孙燕,徐重阳,杨灿,基于因特网的流式媒体技术. 电视技术,2002,(7):43-46  

[36]杨灿,徐重阳,刘政林,交互式vod系统差速同步控制策略. 华中科技大学学报,2001,(7):78-81 [ei] 

[37]杨灿,徐重阳,刘为忠,刘政林,杜江红,vod系统多点广播调度策略研究. 电视技术,2001,(7):42-45  

[38]杨灿,徐重阳,代胜利,张勇. 基于专网ip电话技术构建集中式呼叫中心. 电信科学,2001,(6):49-51  

[39]李德华,杨灿,胡昌赤,地形匹配区选择准则研究. 华中理工大学学报,1996,(2):7-8 [ei] 



硕士学位论文:            复杂形体表面建模及三维图像的压缩与识别研究     导师:  李德华  教授

博士学位论文:            大规模视频点播系统建模与优化理论研究                   导师:  徐重阳 教授  

博士后研究报告:       大规模视频服务系统关键技术研究                                 导师:  卢正鼎 教授



[1]【授权】一种多媒体数据再压缩方法[p]. 广东:cn107087184a,2017-08-22.
[2]【授权】一种cache支持的粒通信系统及其粒通信方法[p]. cn105763600a,2016-07-13.
[3]【授权】支持细粒度数据分片的无线流媒体视频服务系统与方法[p]. cn105791886a,2016-07-20.
[4]【授权】一种基于比特空间的多路径深度编码的信息指纹提取方法[p]. cn105844214a,2016-08-10.
[5]【授权】基于虚拟视频总线多频道快速切换的方法及其系统[p]. cn105898390a,2016-08-24.
[6]p2p流媒体三段式快速缓冲方法[p]. cn104243600a,2014-12-24.
[7]【授权】一种基于移动通信数据的交通流估算方法[p]. cn104835320a,2015-08-12.
[8]【授权】基于并发流的p2p实时播放系统快速频道切换方法[p]. cn104822084a,2015-08-05.
[9]【授权】基于移动终端的现场视频云发布系统[p]. cn204598199u,2015-08-26.
[10]【授权】基于移动终端的现场视频云发布系统及云发布方法[p]. cn104869438a,2015-08-26.
[11]【授权】大规模网络视频监控热点信息分发系统及其分发方法[p]. cn104935878a,2015-09-23.
[12]【授权】大规模网络视频监控热点信息分发系统[p]. cn204652564u,2015-09-16.
[13]结合移动网络记录和视频监控数据的目标人物追踪方法[p]. cn104968048a,2015-10-07.
[14]【授权】一种b/s架构的流媒体drm云服务系统及实现方法[p]. cn103401894a,2013-11-20.
[15]【授权】一种寄生于对等网络的匿名通信方法[p]. cn103812920a,2014-05-21.
[16]【授权】一种轻量级应用开发云服务平台及其资源的访问方法[p]. cn103957255a,2014-07-30.
[17]【授权】基于用户统计数据驱动的网络电视自动录像装置及方法[p]. cn102291536a,2011-12-21.
[18]【授权】用于时移网络电视的电子节目指南的制作方法[p]. cn102291604a,2011-12-21.
[19]【授权】基于短距离无线传输方式的手机语音通信接入服务装置[p]. cn102438297a,2012-05-02.
[20【授权】]基于用户统计数据驱动的网络电视自动录像装置[p]. cn202231824u,2012-05-23.
[21]【授权】基于短距离无线传输方式的手机语音通信接入服务装置[p]. cn202261812u,2012-05-30.


10.  2011102551486           用于时移网络电视的电子节目指南的制作方法                                             发明授权

11.  2009100368101           基于区域着色的地理信息感知方法                                                                    发明授权

12.  2015203277656           大规模网络视频监控热点信息分发系统                                                           新型授权

13.  2015202880186           基于移动终端的现场视频云发布系统                                                                新型授权

14.  2011203241919           基于短距离无线传输方式的手机语音通信接入服务装置                           新型授权

15.  2011203241938           基于用户统计数据驱动的网络电视自动录像装置                                         新型授权 

16.  2015102183340           一种基于移动通信数据的交通流估算方法                                                      发明授权

17.  2014101809155             一种轻量级应用开发云服务平台及其资源的访问方法                              发明授权



1.  2009sr040338           海鼎p2p视频点播系统 ppvod v 1.0

2.  2009sr040336           先锋快录智能录像系统 ivrs v 1.0

3.  2009sr040333           一点通嵌入式流媒体软件 ipvr v 1.0

4.  2009sr040331           智取电子节目单采集与管理系统 iepg v 1.0 

5.  2009sr040320          海源内容管理系统 hrcms v 3.0 2009/2/1 

6.  2009sr040319           海神网络电视用户收视行为统计分析系统 hrsms v 1.0

7.  2009sr040318           时光倒影非线性时移网络电视系统 btts v 1.0 

8.  2006sr14715              banacast流媒体视频直播软件 banacast v 1.0

9.  2010sr017424           新媒体平台运行安全在线监视系统 bssm v 1.0

10.  2010sr017425         数字媒体编码管理系统 hrencoder v 1.0 

11.  2010sr009901         网络新媒体计费与用户管理系统 nmbs v 1.0 


2020-2023           【在读】朱莹莹、曹文志、李嘉豪、杜凌慧、xayyasinh inthanon、赵然、王军帅

2019-2022           【在读】张梓健、赵超军、杨中伟

2018-2021            李闰民【阿里】孙天立【字节跳动】王颖【在读】

2017-2020            潘诗颖【腾讯】王澜【专审】翟俊杰【乐信】胡耀良*【教师】

2016-2019            袁启虎【网易】张凌【字节跳动】刘宇【腾讯】饶辉*【军队】

2015-2018            任思璇【腾讯】管宇男【美团】陈长苁【网宿】 

2014-2017            魏玉凯【阿里】王意【腾讯】彭舒韵^【平安银行】

2013-2016            李育峰【华为】胡美芳【腾讯】邓妙怡【省人民医院】陈金【军队】朱生鑫【军队】朱四民【期货】

2012-2015            李晓姗【中行】林海标【腾讯】刘元春*【军队】

2011-2014            孙召飞【百度】刘琼【证券】屈可敏【网易】

2010-2013            周琼枝【移动】祁特立【军队】黄颖锋【广发银行】汪大磊【邮储银行】张冲【ceo】*

2009-2012            庄序达【百度】彭利章【唯品会】李永艳【国际】桑波【军队】符航宇【华软】刘侃【国际】

2008-2011            梁尚韬【腾讯】陈俊伟【平安银行】陈靖隆【网易】陈勇【建行】陈园琼【高校】

2007-2010            陈新新【阿里】陈业伟【华为】林于桁【联通】刘继忠【建行】

2006-2009           雷志明【联通】肖斌【建行】沈一龙【ceo】高凌【ceo】汤胜博【华为】詹新明【军队】

2005-2008           唐婧【华为】       


多媒体计算 对等网络 大数据 云工程 分布式系统


tel/fax: 8620-39380288-5341;      email: cscyang@scut.edu.cn , tv33@qq.com    qq: 786561

basic information

dr. yang can is currently an advanced professor  at the school of computer science and engineering of south china university of technology (scut) since 2012.  he has become an associate professor and the director of new media lab in scut since 2005. he was a postdoctoral fellow in the school of computer science and technology at huazhong university of science and technology (hust)  from 2002 to 2004he received his ph.d. and bachelor degree at the department of electronic science and technology in 2002 and in 1994,  and his master degree at pattern recognition and intelligent control in 1997, respectively, all from hust. he was a visiting scholar at the polytechnic school of engineering of new york university from 2013 to 2014. his interest focuses on multimedia computing, peer to peer networking, information  theory and coding,  especially on video. he won the first level of the science and technology progressive award of canton in 2015 and the second level in 2012,  and also the sci. and tech. innovation award of sarft of china in 2012. he have published mort than 50 papers and invented 18 patents. he is a member of ieee and acm and a senior member of ccf. 

educational backgrounds 

phd, huazhong university of science & technology, wuhan, china

september, 1998 - june, 2002, department of electronic sci. & tech., huazhong university of science
& technology, research area: video on demand (multimedia communication) 

msc, huazhong university of science & technology, wuhan, china 

september, 1994 - june, 1997, institute of image recognition and artificial intelligence,
huazhonguniversity of science & technology, research area: 3d surface modeling and feature
recognition on complex shapes 

bsc, huazhong university of science & technology, wuhan, china
september, 1990 - june, 1994, department of electronic sci. & tech., huazhong university of science
& technology, major: solid electronics

postdoctoral experiences

post-doctor, huazhong university of science & technology, wuhan, china

september, 2002 – october, 2004, school of computer sci. & tech., huazhong university of science
& technology, research area: video on demand, iptv (multimedia communication) 

professional experiences

november, 2004 - present, associate professor since 2005, advanced professor since 2013,  director of new media lab., school of computer sci. & eng. south china university of technology, china 

june, 1997 - september, 1998, project manager, guangdong post & telecommunication administration 


academic organization 

director 2011:                 guangdong provincial computer federation 

senior member 2007:   chinese computer federation 

member 2013:                 ieee/acm


tearching experiences 

 multimedia communication : lecture on postgraduate course 

 digital media technology : lecture on postgraduate course 

 advanced topics in computer science : lecture on postgraduate course 

 media design on web : lecture on postgraduate course 

 distributed computing theory and application : lecture on undergraduate course 

 software engineering : lecture on undergraduate course

research fields 

multimedia computing and communication

ip-based tv, video on demand and media streaming

big data and cloud data engineering

information theory and coding


he developed and implemented a streaming architecture of banacast,  which is an integration of internet-based tv and vods based on adaptive peer to peer networking. there were more than 200 million users of banacast in chinese education and research networks. banacast have reached high performance in switching delay and the volume of concurrent users. on the other hand, banacast is a large scale experimental platform for new media researches and applications. it had ever applied in the online tv system at  gztv station, one of the largest tv stations in southern district of china. 

honors & awards 

science and technology innovation award, the state administration of radio film and television, china,

guangdong provincial science and technology progressive award,2011 (second level) and 2015 (first level)

guangdong provincial excellent master thesis 2010. ( as director of a graduator )

selected publications

[0.1] follow me: personalized iptv channel switching guide, chenguang yu (new york university), hao ding (nyu), houwei cao (new york institute of technology), yong liu (nyu), can yang (south china university of technology), source:  acm multimedia systems 2017, taibei , taiwan, june 20-23 2017  

[0.2] online cloud transcoding and distribution for crowdsourced live game video streaming, yuanhuan zheng ; di wu ; yihao ke ; can yang ; min chen ; guoqing zhang, source:  ieee transactions on circuits and systems for video technology

[1] yang can, liu yong; on achieving short channel switching delay and playback lag in ip-based tv systems, ieee transactions on multimedia, v 17, n 7, p 1096-1106, july 1, 2015          [sci] 

[2] lv jianming , chen jianwen, yang can; pacs: parasitic anonymous communication in peer-to-peer streaming network; journal of computational information systems, v 10, n 3, p 1175-1182, 2014  [ei] 

[3] lv jianming; lin haibiao; yang can, etc; identify and trace criminal suspects in the crowd aided by fast trajectories retrieval, lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics), v 8422 lncs, n part 2, p 16-30, 2014, database systems for advanced applications - 19th international conference, dasfaa 2014, proceedings [ccf b] 

[4] lin haibiao , lv jianming; yang can, deng miaoyi, wang kaitao, wang xintong ; gps trajectory mining: a survey, journal of computational information systems, v 10, n 16, p 6947-6956, august 15, 2014 [ei] 

[5] lv, jianming , yang, can; liang, kaidong; grace: a gradient distance-based peer-to-peer network supporting efficient content-based retrieval, advances in intelligent systems and computing, v 250, p 427-434, 2014 [ei] 

[6] yang, can, li, yongyan,chen, jinglong,a new mobile streaming system base-on http live streaming
protocol, 7th international conference on wireless communications, networking and mobile computing,
wicom 2011, 2011 [ei]

[7] can yang,shang-tao liang, xinxin chen, ye-wei chen,design and implementation of intelligent acquisition
and fast processing recording system for iptv platform,international conference on machine learning
and cybernetics,icmlc, 11-14, p 1656-1660,july, 2010 (ei)

[8] can yang,xuda-zhuang, zhiming lei; a method of geographic information acquirement based on
subdivision coloration for a zone,2010 2nd international symposium on information engineering and
electronic commerce, ieec 2010, p 163-166, 2010(ei)

[9] xin xin chen,can yang,ye wei chen,banacast:a fast adaptive application layer multicast network for p2p
live streaming,international conference on information science and engineering 2009,dec 18th to 20th,
2009, track 01:high-performance and parallel computing, p 149-153 [ei]

[10] can yang, yuanqiong chen, yilong shen,the research on a p2p transcoding system based on distributed
farming computing architecture, 2009 pacific-asia conference on knowledge engineering and software
engineering, kese 2009, 19-20 december, 2009, p 55-58 [ei]

[11] yang can, chen, zhi-cong, lian bin-xiong, huang hui-ze,design and implementation of a novel roboticized
epgsystem of network tv, proceedings of the 2009 international conference on machine learning and
cybernetics, icmlc2009, 12-15 july, 2009, p 1516-1522 [ei]

[12] can yang, xu chongyang, liu zhenglin, liu weizhong, unequal segmentation algorithm for video in
video-on-demand system[j],chinese journal of electronics, 2002, v 11,(1):99~103 [sci] [ei]

[13] lin yu-heng, yang can, chen x.x.,design and implementation of embedded p2p streaming media system,
proceedings of the 2009 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, icmlc2009,
12-15 july, 2009, p 1364-1369 [ei]

[14] chen ye-wei, yang can, chen x.x.,design and implementation of integrated monitoring system for iptv
platform, proceedings of the 2009 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics,
icmlc2009, 12-15 july, 2009, p 1364-1369 [ei]

[15] yang can , zhang chong yang zequan, application of rtmp protocol in the p2p streaming media
system, video engineering,2009,08

[16] yang can, chen xinxin, liang shangtao, hu jingsong, implementation and design of hybrid time-shifted
network television, j . huazhong univ. of sci. & tech. (nature science edition), 2009, (6):78-81 [ei]

[17] chen yewei ,yang can , chen xinxin, application of sms in monitoring iptv background system,
computer applications and software,2010,(07),213-216 (in chinese)

[18] zhan xinming,yang can ,a voice recognition system based on matlab and bp network,
microcomputer information,2009,(25),176-178 (in chinese)

[19] huang huize,huang baoxiong,yang can, new media service integrated platform orienting internet,radio
& tv broadcast engineering,2009(03),47-52 (in chinese)

[20] zhan xinming,huang nanshan,yang can ,research advancement in voice recognition technology,
modern computer,2008,9:43-45 (in chinese)

[21] yang can, chen xinxin, tang jing, et al; research on remote education mode based on p2p media
streaming, computer education and advancement, ,2006,(8),113-114 (in chinese)

[22] jing tang, can yang, xinxin chen, explore new profiting method for tv based on p2p streaming media
technology, services computing, 2006. apscc '06. ieee asia-pacific conference on dec. 2006 page(s):276
– 279 [ei]

[23] yang can ,lu zhengding, zou xuecheng, design of a flexible distributed vod system and its realization,
journal of huazhong university of science and technology, 2005,(1):28-31 (in chinese) [ei]

[24] yang can, lu zhengding, design and analysis of video-on-demand system based on queuing model,
video engineering, 2004,(5): 34~36 (in chinese)

[25] yang can, zou xuecheng,yan chunlan,design and realization of a distributed video-on-demands based
on .net framework,cable tv technology,2004, 8(15):73-76 (in chinese)

[26] yang can, zou xuecheng, lu zhengding, reviews on large-scale interactive video service system
research, cable tv technology, 2004, (9) 18:41-43 (in chinese)

[27] yang can, a novel video-on-demand system based on mobile data communication, video engineering,
2004, (10) :37-38 (in chinese)

[28] yang can, lu zhengding, a non-linear algorithm for video segmentation on interactive
video-on-demand system, chinese journal of computers, 2003,(11): 1532~1538 (in chinese)[ei]

[29] zhang kefeng, yang can, zou xuecheng,et al; architecture and performance analysis of media server,
video engineering, 2003,(3), 25-27 (in chinese)

[30] can yang, xu chongyang,an unequal segmentation algorithm for video in video-on-demand system,
chinese journal of electronics, 2002, v 11, (1):99~103 [ei/sci]

[31] yang can ,xu chongyang,liu zhenglin,optimization on batching schedule policy for video-on-demand
system,chinese journal of computers, 2002, (11):1263-1268 (in chinese) [ei]

[32] sun yan, xu chongyang, yang can, streaming media technology based on internet, video engineering,
2002,(7),43-46 (in chinese)

[33] liu zhenglin, xu chongyang, liu weizhong, yang can, lei xu, performance simulation of the docsis hfc
network, computer engineering, 2002,(4),145-147 (in chinese)

[34] yang can, xu chongyang, liu zhenglin, synchronous control policy with differential rate in interactive
vods, journal of huazhong university of science and technology, 2001,(7):78~81 (in chinese)[ei]

[35] yang can, xu chongyang, et al; study on the strategy of multipoint broadcasting scheduling in vod
system, video engineering, 2001, (7): 42~45 (in chinese)

[36] yang can, xu chongyang,dai shengli,zhang yong,a centralized callcenter based on private network by
voip,telecommunications science, 2001, (6): 49~51 (in chinese)

[37] yang can, liu bin, cantonese postal customer service center system, china post, 2001,(5): 22~23

[38] liu zhenglin,xu chongyang, yang can, interactive video-on-demand system in cable television network,
communications today,2001,(11), 24-25 (in chinese)

[39] li dehua,yang can ,hu changchi,research on the criterion of terrain match area selection,journal of
huazhong university of science and technology,1996, 24 (2). 7~8 (in chinese) [ei]

[40] can yang, dehua li, yanwen zhu, a car shape classification based on neural networks with non-adjacent
layers connection, ieee international neural networks and signal processing proceedings, 1995.425~429

[41] huang huize, sheng yilong, yang can, implementation and design on operation supported system for
guangzhou tv station’s new media platform, catv technology, 2009,(05),99-105 (in chinese)

[42] huang huize , lei zhiming, yang can, iptv users’ behaviors analysis system based on distributed
archtecture, catv technology, 2009,(05),87-89 (in chinese)

[43] huang huze, huang baoxiong, li jianguang, zhan xinming, yang can, ruan weiming, information security
management and operation maintenance on p2p new media platform, catv technology,
2009,(09),108-110 (in chinese)

[44] yang can, tang sheng-bo, design and implementaion of enterprise video conference system based on
p2p, computer technology and development, 2009,(09),186-189 (in chinese)

[45] huang baoxiong,li jianguang, chen zhichong, yang can, implementation and design of epg system for
time-shifted internet tv, catv technology, 2009,(11),75-77 (in chinese)

[46] li jianguang, huang baoxiong, chen yewei, yang can, design of interactive platform based on internet tv,
catv technology, 2009,(12),75-77 (in chinese)

[47] huang baoxiong, li jianguang, huang huize, chen xinxin, chen yewei, yang can, a internet tv
system based on peer to peer , radio & tv broadcast engineering,2009,(12), 86-90(in chinese)

[48] yang can, peng lizhang, huang huize, banacast: technological breakthroughs on autonomous and
controllable new media platform, radio & tv broadcast engineering ,2010,(08), 169-170 (in chinese)

[49] yang can, li dan, huang huize, banacast: the new media content platform based on integration of triple
networks, radio & tv broadcast engineering,2010,(05), 147-149 (in chinese)

[50] liu jizhong, yang can, research and implementation of network video service access control and billing,
computer engineering and design, 2010,(11), 2581-2584 (in chinese)

[51] yang can, zhang chong. design of streaming media system based on new p2p-cdn hybrid architecture,
video engineering,2009,(12),71-74 (in chinese)

[52] yang can, fu hang-yu, liu kan, design and implementation of a flex-based interactive internet tv platform,
computer engineering & science, 2011,(11), 189-194. (in chinese)

[53] yang can, qi teli, technological breakthroughs on new media and triple networks integration, china
science and technology achievements, 2011,(17),42-48. (in chinese)


1. chinese invention patent : automatic record device and method for internet tv system driven by
user statistical data, 201110355132.5

 2. chinese invention patent : a method of making electronic program guide
for time-shifted television on internet, 201110255148.6

 3. chinese invention patent : a wireless voice communication service device for cell phone with
near field, 201110255134.4


 the software products had been registered in national 凯发备用网址 copyright administration of the p.r.c.

 no. register number introduction s of software abbr.of software version

 1.  2009sr040338 p2p-based video-on-demand system ppvod v 1.0 

2.  2009sr040336 fast and intelligent record system ivrs v 1.0 

3.  2009sr040333 embedded media streaming software ipvr v 1.0 

4.  2009sr040331 intelligent capture and management system for electronic program guide iepg v 1.0 

5.  2009sr040320 haiyuan content management system hrcms v 3.0 

6.  2009sr040319 a statistic analysis system on user behavior of internet tv hrsms v 1.0 

7.  2009sr040318 nonlinear time-shifted internet tv system btts v 1.0 

8.  2006sr14715 banacast live streaming system banacast v 1.0 

9.  2010sr017424 online monitor system for new media platform bssm v 1.0 

10.  2010sr017425 digital media encoding management system hrencoder v 1.0 

11.  2010sr009901 billing and subscriber management system on internet new media nmbs v 1.0


[1] efficient representation, deep analysis and synthetic utility on big video big data, nsf, 2017~2020 

[2] the key technique research and industrialization on data and software migration oriented cloud context, gd importance project 2015 

[3] the key technique research and industrialization on large-scale hot spot video information delivery, gd importance project 2013 

[4] the research and application on internet real time visual and audio support platform,gd importance project 2013 

[5] a new media service fusion platform oriented internet,gd project,, 2009 

[6] p2p networking new media platform(application software development),guangzhou tv station, 2008 

[7] lagre-scale interactive video-on-demand systems based on multicast, chinese postdoc foundation 2003


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