[ad] icin'19 -凯发备用网址

[ad] icin'19 - cfp - deadline: september 23, 2018
来源: 舒磊/

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call for papers - icin 2019

22nd  innovations in cloud, internet and networks
february 19 - 21, 2019
paris, france

all submissions must be written in english and must use standard ieee two-column conference template.
papers can be of two types: full papers or short papers, up to 8 pages and 5 pages respectively, including tables, figures and references.
demo and poster papers of length of 3 pages are also solicited.
at least one author is required to register, at the full rate, to present accepted papers at the conference and for the paper to appear in the proceedings and the ieee digital library.
areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
·        enablers and use cases for 5g ‘zero-touch’ service delivery
·        network artificial intelligence, machine learning and reasoning
·        network data analytics, anomaly detection, feature extraction
·        network automation and orchestration architectures and protocols
·        societal and legal aspects of network automation
·        autonomic, cognitive and intent-based networking and management
·        5g network architecture, services and protocols
·        5g control and management architecture
·        5g functional decomposition and composition
·        advanced 5g infrastructure slicing and radio slicing
·        scalability and multi-tenancy in 5g networks and 5g network slicing
·        network programmability and softwarization architectures and systems
·        protocols for ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability
·        fog, edge and multi-access computing, iot and vertical industries
·        software defined networking and high availability
·        network function virtualization (nfv) and orchestration
·        service function chaining, function placement and network embedding
·        big data and fast data processing and management
·        cdn architectures and network cache allocation schemes
·        advanced multimedia and real-time communications, qos/qoe design
·        performance, optimization and resource dimensioning
·        security, trust and privacy
·        use of blockchains in 5g networking and servicing
·        measurement, monitoring and telemetry
·        testbeds, open source efforts and open standards

important dates
·        paper submission due: september 23, 2018
·        paper review feedback: november 30, 2018
·        final papers due: january 10, 2019
·        conference: february 19-21, 2019

general chairs
alex galis (ucl, uk)
fabrice guillemin (orange, france)

technical program committee chairs
rogier noldus (ericsson, netherlands)
stefano secci (sorbonne université, france)

international steering committee chair
noel crespi, imt, france

technical sponsors
ieee, ieee communications society

we are looking forward to your submission at icin 2019

for further information, see

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