call for demo papers the 20th the asia pacific web (apweb) and web-凯发备用网址

call for demo papers the 20th the asia pacific web (apweb) and web-age information management (waim) joint conference
来源: 林雪琴/

call for demo papers

the 20th the asia pacific web (apweb) and web-age

information management (waim) joint conference

on macau, china, july 23-25, 2018


 apweb-waim is a leading international conference on research, development and applications of web technologies, database systems, information management and software engineering, with a focus on the asia-pacific region. the apweb-waim 2018 demo program aims to bring together researchers, developers, and database users from the data management and web communities. it offers an exciting and highly interactive way of demonstrating your databases, systems, services, middleware, and web research and is an excellent way of advertising the applicability of your results. proposals for demonstrations of products or prototypes based on innovative research results are solicited.

 it is mandatory that all demo proposals describe clearly what will be demonstrated and how the contributions will be illustrated interactively. optionally, proposals can include a url that shows a preliminary version of the demo (e.g., screen shots or, even better, an interactive program). a best demo award will also be given out to the best demo(s) presented in the demo session during the conference.

all submitted demo proposals must be formatted according to the instructions for submission format for research submissions and must be no longer than four (4) pages in the springer lncs format. this page limit includes all parts of the paper: title, authors and affiliation, abstract, body, and bibliography. demos will be selected based on (i) the novelty of the demo system, (ii) the novelty and the technical quality of the underlying research, and (iii) the demonstration scenario and applications of the presented system or technology. all submissions must go through microsoft cmt system via the following link:

please note that for every accepted demo, it is required that at least one person registers for the conference and presents the demo. all accepted papers will be included in the proceedings published as springer‘s lncs series.

demo co-chairs

zhifeng bao (rmit university, australia)

zhixu li (soochow university, china)

lisi chen (university of wollongong, australia)

important dates

demo submission deadline: april 5th, 2018

demo author notification deadline: april 25th, 2018

demo camera ready deadline: may 2nd, 2018

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