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cfp - international conference on cloud computing research and innovations (icccri 2016)
来源: 吴迪/


call for papers

submission deadline: 15 march, 2016


2016 international conference on cloud computing research and innovations

(icccri 2016)

may 4-5, 2016 -suntec city exhibition & convention centre, singapore




infocomm development authority (ida) of singapore

advanced digital sciences centre (adsc)

data storage institute (dsi), a*star

institute for high performance computing (ihpc), a*star

institute for infocomm research (i2r), a*star

nanyang technological university (ntu)

national supercomputing centre (nscc)

sinagpore-mit alliance for research and technology (smart)

singapore management university

singapore university technological and design (sutd)


important dates:

paper submission: 15 march, 2016

notification of paper acceptance: 15 apr, 2016

registration & uploading of camera-ready papers: 29 apr, 2016


drawing from the successful research track since cloudasia 2013 to forge synergy between r&d community, and 

the annual signature cloud computing forum in asia that saw the gathering of end-users and industry players, 

we are pleased to announce the call for papers for icccri 2016. as part of cloudasia 2016, icccri 2016 aims 

to cover research interests and innovative applications in cloud computing and smart nation related topics. 

the unique mix of r&d, end-user and industry audience promises interesting networking opportunities in 

translational research & development.we hereby invite you to submit technical papers covering (but not limited to) 

the following topics:

cloud applications:

mobile cloud, hpc cloud, big data and analytics, e-science cloud, cloud application benchmarks

cloud architecture:

cloud computing & soa, cloudlet, hybrid cloud, cloud resource allocation, cloud data center networking, 

quality management and slas, storage and file systems, virtualization

cloud security: 

cloud reliability and secure cloud computing, hypervisor security, in-cloud data encryption,

iaas/paas/saas security, policy and compliant, privacy, security & confidentiality, provenance, accountability

cloud for smart nation/cities: 

re-identification of anonymised data,cloud-based real-time localization and positioning analytics, stream data analysis,

internet of things (iot), sensor models and architectures, data analytics in cloud, cloud for mobility-aware networking protocols 


submission guidelines: 


submission link:

each paper should include abstract, 5-10 keywords, and the e-mail address of the corresponding author and be 

in pdf format. each submission should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the submission be accepted, 

at least one of the authors must register the paper and attend the conference to present the work in order that 

the accepted paper can be included in the proceedings. all manuscripts will be reviewed and will be judged on 

correctness, originality, technical strength and significance, quality of presentation, and interest and 

relevance to the conference attendees. the conference proceedings will be published by conference publication 

services (cps) and submitted to xplore and csdl, and for indexing in ei-compendex. reviewers will shortlist accepted 

conference papers, whose authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to be considered for 

publication in the international journal of information technology (ijit) by the singapore computer society.

papers in ijit are indexed and abstracted in google scholar, and included in sci-index and ei-compendex.


international programme committee chairs:


wen yonggang (chair), nanyang technological university, singapore

ian foster (co-chair), argonne national lab, university of chicago, usa

yi-ke guo (co-chair), imperial college london, uk

local organising committee chair:

wang shing chai, infocomm development authorty, singapore

further info:

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