
讲座-深圳大学 何业军教授:channel modeling for massive mimo system

channel modeling for massive mimo system




currently, massive mimo technology is regarded as the core technology of 5g mobile communication systemnext generation wifi, b5g (beyond 5g) or even 6g (6th generation) mobile communication system. based on wireless mobile communication system, wireless mobile channel modeling is the most important part for massive mimo system. in this talk, the channel of mimo system of few antennas (less than 10 antennas) is firstly analyzed. after extending the number of antennas of the proposed mimo system channel model to a large number (tens or even hundreds), a three-dimensional geometrical channel model for massive mimo system is established and the polarization characteristic to massive mimo system is implemented. the proposed model includes a variety of communication environment and antenna parameters, which also has low complexity and is easily adjusted according to the communication environment.


yejun he is a full professor with the college of electronics and information engineering (previously college of information engineering), shenzhen university, china, where he is the director of guangdong engineering research center of base station antennas and propagation, and the director of shenzhen key laboratory of antennas and propagation, shenzhen. he has authored or coauthored more than 140 research papers and books (chapters) and holds 20 patents. his research interests include wireless mobile communication, antennas and radio frequency. prof. he obtained the ph.d. degree in information and communication engineering from huazhong university of science and technology (hust), wuhan, china, in 2005. from 2005 to 2006, he was a research associate with the department of electronic and information engineering, hong kong polytechnic university, hong kong. from 2006 to 2007, he was a research associate with the department of electronic engineering, faculty of engineering, chinese university of hong kong, hong kong. in 2012, he was a visiting professor with the department of electrical and computer engineering, university of waterloo, waterloo, on, canada. from 2013 to 2015, he was an advanced visiting scholar (visiting professor) with the school of electrical and computer engineering, georgia institute of technology, atlanta, ga, usa. dr. he is serving as associate editor of ieee network, ieee access, international journal of communication systems. he has served as a reviewer for various journals such as the ieee transactions on communications, the ieee transactions on  wireless communications, the ieee transactions on industrial electronics, the ieee journal on selected areas in communications, the ieee transactions on antennas and propagation, the ieee antennas and wireless propagation letters, the ieee transactions on vehicular technology, the ieee wireless communications, the ieee communications letters. he was the tpc co-chair of wocc 2015, wireless symposium co-chair of wocc 2016, and wireless communications and networking symposium co-chair of wocc 2019. he served as an organizing committee vice chair of international conference on communications and mobile computing (cmc 2010). he is currently general chair of ieee comcomap2019. he is a fellow of iet, and a chair of ieee antennas and propagation society-shenzhen chapter.

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