




1. 报告题目:similarity assessment for scientific workflow clustering and recommendation

报告内容:with an increasing number of scientific workflows published at online repositories and publicly accessible through the web, reuse and repurposing of best practices is of core importance when a novel scientific workflow is required to be developed for satisfying the requirement of scientists. to address this challenge, this article proposes an approach for identifying and recommending workflows for reference. specifically, a scientific workflow is represented as a layer hierarchy, which specifies hierarchical relations between this workflow, its sub-workflows, and activities. semantic similarity is calculated between layer hierarchies of workflows. a graph-skeleton based clustering technique is adopted for grouping layer hierarchies into clusters. barycenters in each cluster are identified, which refer to core workflows in this cluster, for facilitating cluster identification and workflow ranking and recommendation. experimental evaluation shows that our technique is efficient and accurate on ranking and recommending appropriate clusters and workflows.

报告人简介:周长兵现为中国地质大学(北京)信息工程学院教授、博士生导师,学校学术委员会委员,法国国立电信学院南巴黎分校计算机系客座教授。曾在法国国立电信大学南巴黎分校计算机系从事博士后研究工作,博士毕业于deri galway 爱尔兰,硕士毕业于中国科学院自动化研究所,本科毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)。曾在朗讯科技贝尔实验室(中国)工作过5 年,任高级研究员职位;曾在华为公司北京研究所工作担任软件工程师职位。研究兴趣包括软件服务工程、物联网技术、业务流程管理等,在ieee transactions on services computing、ieee transactions on industrial informatics、ieee icws等知名国际期刊和国际会议上发表学术论文100余篇。

2. 报告题目:the role of intelligent sensing in smart cities

报告内容:in a world where resources are scarce and urban areas consume the vast majority of these resources, it is vital to make cities greener and more sustainable. intelligent systems to improve and automate processes within a city will play a leading role in smart cities. from smart design of buildings, which capture rain water for later use, to intelligent control systems, which can monitor infrastructures autonomously, the possible improvements enabled by sensing technologies are vast. ubiquitous sensing poses numerous challenges, which are of a technological or social nature. this presentation covers an overview of the state of the art with regards to sensing in smart cities. topics include sensing applications in smart cities, sensing platforms and technical challenges associated with these technologies.

报告人简介:gerhard p. hancke (fieee) received the bsc, beng and meng from the university of stellenbosch, and the deng from the university of pretoria in 1983, both in south africa. he is a professor with the department of electrical, electronic and computer engineering at the university of pretoria. he is the founder and immediate past head of the advanced sensor networks (asn) research group and currently director of the centre for connected intelligence. he is recognized internationally as a pioneer and leading scholar in asn research, especially aimed at industrial applications and his papers attracted high citation numbers in high impact journals. four of his papers are among the top 1% within a research field in the latest esi (essential science indicators) update. he co-edited a textbook

industrial wireless sensor networks: applications, protocols, and standards,

(2013), the first on the topic. he has been a guest co-editor of special sections, as well as associated editor of the

ieee transactions on industrial informatics/electronics


ieee access

. he has been appointed co-editor-in-chief of the

ieee transactions on industrial informatics

from 2019.

3. 报告题目:ad-hoc security for smart things

报告内容we are increasingly surrounded by simple (and not so simple) devices with computational and communication capability, which assist us in everyday tasks and together comprise the idea of an internet-of-things. some devices are used in security sensitive or critical applications, such as industrial sensor networks, and the security capabilities in such systems are rightly attracting growing interest. to perform their duties the devices are often required to set up ad-hoc connections to interact, and this is could often be with another device or a system where no prior trust relationship exists between the parties. establishing a secure connection between two devices in such an unstructured environment presents some interesting research problems. unfortunately, not all these problems can be solved with conventional cryptographic mechanisms alone, and we need to look at alternative ways to reinforce existing security mechanisms. incorporating the physical context of a device, i.e. physical characteristics of the device, the communication channel or the surroundings, into security protocols is seen as a possible solution. this talk gives an overview of iot security issues, ending with a brief introduction to the use of physical context to build, or improve, security services.

报告人简介:dr gerhard hancke is currently an assistant professor with the department of computer science at city university of hong kong. he received a bachelor and masters of engineering degrees in computer engineering from the university of pretoria (south africa) in 2002 and 2003, and a phd in computer science from the university of cambridge's computer laboratory in 2008.  subsequently, he worked for the isg smart card centre within the information security group (isg) at royal holloway, university of london (rhul) as lead researcher/engineer where he was involved in the evaluation, development and integration of smart card and rfid systems. at the same time he has worked as research leader for the advanced sensor network group at the south african council for scientific and industrial research. he is a member of the ieee industrial electronics society where he is the chair of the technical committee on cloud and wireless systems for industrial applications and also associate editor of the ieee transactions on industrial informatics. he is a senior member of the ieee and a chartered engineer registered with the uk engineering council. his main interests are system security, cyber-physical/pervasive systems and smart sensing applications.

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