实验室5篇文章在ieee工业电子的旗舰会议iecon 2017上被接收-凯发备用网址

实验室5篇文章在ieee工业电子的旗舰会议iecon 2017上被接收

1. impact of synchronization scheme on duty cycling in ieee 802.15.4 cluster tree networks
nikumani choudhury, rakesh matam, mithun mukherjee, lei shu

2. a comparative study of wpd and emd for shaft fault diagnosis
zhiqiang huo, yu zhang, lei shu

3. energy-utilization aware sleep scheduling in green wsns for sustainable throughput
wei fang, zeyu zhang, mithun mukherjee, lei shu, zhangbing zhou

4. self-adaptive fault diagnosis of roller bearings using infrared thermal images 

zhiqiang huo, yu zhang, richard sath, lei shu

5. dynamic adaptation of duty cycling with mac parameters in cluster tree ieee 802.15.4 networks

nikumani choudhury, rakesh matam, mithun mukherjee, lei shu

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