澳大利亚昆士兰大学的neil bergmann教授将在10月24日访问实验室并作学术报告-凯发备用网址

澳大利亚昆士兰大学的neil bergmann教授将在10月24日访问实验室并作学术报告





machine learning and sensor networks


wireless sensor networks are becoming the eyes and ears (and other senses) of the internet, allowing high temporal and spatial sampling of data from both the natural and the built environment. the benefits of wireless operation often mean that such sensor nodes are battery powered, perhaps with some energy harvesting. usually, such sensors are limited in their temporal resolution by their limited energy. “dumb” sensors simply record and transmit raw transducer data streams for subsequent data analysis by powerful processors. the majority of the energy used by such sensors is in the radio transmission of the raw data. communications energy can be saved, if the data can be compressed or otherwise on a “smart” sensor node, and only compressed or summary information sent, but this requires energy-efficient on-node processing. this seminar summarises results from a past project using machine-learning techniques for on-sensor processing, and discusses proposals for how this on-sensor processing can be done in a more energy efficient fashion using reconfigurable hardware (fpgas).


prof. neil bergmann, 

information technology & elec. eng., 

university of queensland, brisbane, australia.


prof. neil bergmann has been the chair of embedded systems in the school of information technology and electrical engineering at the university of queensland, brisbane, australia since 2001. he has bachelors degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, and arts from the university of queensland, and a phd in computer science from the university of edinburgh in 1984. his research interests are in computer systems, especially reconfigurable computing and wireless sensor networks. his teaching interests are in machine learning, embedded systems and computer systems. he is a member of ieee, and a fellow of the institution of engineers, australia.


  • hou, liqun and bergmann, neil w. (2012) novel industrial wireless sensor networks for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis.  

    ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement,  2012.

  • bergmann, neil w. and hou, liqun (2013). machine condition monitoring with industrial wireless sensor networks. in v. cagri gungor and gerhard p. hancke (ed.),  

    industrial wireless sensor networks: applications, protocols, and standards

    (pp. 23-46) boca raton, fl, united states: crc press.


澳大利亚昆士兰大学简介 (百度百科)

昆士兰大学(the university of queensland),简称昆大世界百强名校[1]  和著名高等科研学府之一,始建于1910年,是的第一所综合型大学,也是最大、最有声望的大学之一,同时还是六所(sandstone universities)之一昆大是澳洲八大名校(group of eight)的盟校成员,同时也是成员之一,其科学研究的经费及学术水平在澳大利亚的大学之中始终位居前列,在校博士生的人数最多。昆士兰大学the university of queensland拥有两位得主,前澳大利亚总理kevin rudd(陆克文)和前peter gration都是昆大校友[2]  。昆士兰大学在us news世界大学排名47名[3]  ,qs世界大学排名第46位[1]  ,均处于世界排名前50大学位置,稳居澳洲大学前二、[4]  三、四名[1]  。

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