
学术空间 / 论文 / 期刊论文
closed-loop control of complex networks: a trade-off between time and energy
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作       者
期刊名称 physical review letters, 2017,119, 198301.
发表日期 2017 年 11 月
摘       要 controlling complex nonlinear networks is largely an unsolved problem at the present. existing works focus either on open-loop control strategies and their energy consumptions or on closed-loop control schemes with an infinite-time duration. we articulate a finite-time, closed-loop controller with an eye toward the physical and mathematical underpinnings of the trade-off between the control time and energy as well as their dependence on the network parameters and structure. the closed-loop controller is tested on a large number of real systems including stem cell differentiation, food webs, random ecosystems, and spiking neuronal networks. our results represent a step forward in developing a rigorous and general framework to control nonlinear dynamical networks with a complex topology.